60 Seconds! Wiki

The Longest Survival.[]

Trust me, we've all seen people do crazy things and insane records for longest survival times. But many do not know the strategies employed by the speedrunners. As a former record holder, that held the longest survival record for over two years for every mode, and inventor of the one family member only strategy, (Patel_Dev3), I will show you.

My YT is @dev7845, if you want to look at my runs.


Assuming we are doing this in Tsar Bomba, we will list out the strategies below. I choose Tsar Bomba because

  1. Any strategy employed in this mode will be far easier for any other mode
  2. It is also the most popular mode to run this category, with over 104 runs.
  3. CaseOh did it.


You need to know not only how to go fast, but also how and when to scavenge. One of the first things to note is what a good seed is. In Tsar Bomba, a good seed is EVERYTHING.

What is a Good Seed?[]

Ah, so glad you asked!

A good seed involves....

  • A cabinet filled with more than 2 food and water (combined) for easy collection.
  • Or starting in a position with 4 food and water (combined) next to you.
  • A Boy Scout Book (sometimes they do not spawn)

The rest is RNG. Restart if your seed doesn't have any of them.

What do I scavenge?[]

A good scavenge involves.....

(* is required for an optimal run)

  • Four Soup*
  • Four Water*
  • Boy Scout Book*
  • Map
  • Radio
  • Axe*
  • Checkers
  • Padlock*
  • Gas Mask*
  • Medkit
  • Bug Spray
  • Gun
  • Harmonica

For little boy, grab the suitcase. Also, grab more soup and water since you will bring extra items in bunker (prioritize food and water) over items). For Tsar Bomba, do the opposite.


Ah, you've gotten to the hardest part. Survival! If you want to get world record, you should know one thing. It's complete RNG. There is a lot of skill but also a lot of luck. And a lot of runs. I have managed to get consistent 200+ day runs on hard mode; my best is 346 (one more than CaseOh). It took me 5 attempts.

First off, one may ask-- why are the items that I marked necessary so important?

I'll do a list sequentially.

  • Boy Scout Book- Necessary for killing roaches. Without it, you rely on the gun, as roaches are persistent and will NOT stop coming. And even then, sometimes you may get the talking to roaches event. Either you waste the bug spray or you go insane.
  • Axe - Rats can take many cans of soup. Also a constant event.
  • Padlock - Government may take over shelter while you scavenge, unless you have padlock.
  • Gas Mask - Shower events occur constantly. You will run out of items without it, eventually leading to sickness.

Earthquake Event.[]

Saving items is hard. So, what do I save?

I will list items that should be saved in the order from most to least important. Ex:(Most, Kinda, Least)

Event where you choose from (Boy Scout Handbook, Medkit, Radio)

Event where you choose from (Map, Radio, Cards)

Event where you choose from (Gas Mask, Flashlight, Radio)


You should only scavenge once or twice. The rest is used for absolute emergencies. Otherwise, raiders come. And trust me, they will NOT stop coming for you.

Tip: What most streamers do is use Ted to scavenge with Checkers and kill him off once he comes back. If he does not, restart. Although you can still get 200+ even with a bad scavenge.

You can use Dolores to die off, or even a kid. Dolores is the most consistent for the top world record holders for Longest Survival, though.


The RNG comes in with the firefighters constantly attacking you. These are where the weapons play the most important.

If you have all four, this is the order you should use them in-- Gun, Bug Spray, Axe, and if you absolutely have to... Padlock. But before using padlock, unless you have a free mutant protection from raiders pass, you should scavenge. It is even better if you also have the mutant expedition protection as well.

Always Events[]

You should always do the following.

  • "Open in the name of freedom"
  • Anything that relates to finding items using a map, or a random map found somewhere in the shelter
  • Exploring the shelter either with a flashlight or a gun
  • Pancake events (except for actually getting him), but if you do get him, save all your soup or let him die to firefighters.

All items (5)
